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17.11.2019 in Видеоклип I AM Battle Angel | (Alita: Battle Angel (2019))  
The begining was a bit long in my opinion it has issue with the voice,speed, sync , the video is there is not bad,
17.11.2019 in Видеоклип The Manchurian Candidate | (The Good, The Bad, The Weird)  
MrAuditore is the new Manchurian XD, well done specially on these parts 2:50 - 3;53, it was really nice to watch except for some rough cut but I really have great time watching this.
06.07.2019 in Видеоклип Dark House | (Insidious)  
Написал t0m1k 05.06.2019 at 17:14

Well, that was just ok. Not bad idea to concentrate many different ghosts and paranormal creatures in one place (house in this case), but not the best realization. Smoke effect was a bit boring in some places, color correction wasn't balanced enough, frames order were not accurate in some scenes. Still, good job and good luck !
thanks for your advice, I will keep that in mind next time.
05.06.2019 in Видеоклип Hospitality | (Mix)  
I see violence, horror, but i think is missing some sexual content lol , by the way It is a good psicodelic video
29.05.2019 in Видеоклип Конг: Остров Черепа FanMade Trailer | (Kong: Skull Island / Конг: Остров Черепа)  
good trailer and thanks for the english version of it.
29.05.2019 in Видеоклип 2B NieR Automata - Бригада | (Gta 5, Nier: Automata, Original 3d Animated)  
this was the best part of the entire video 1:02 - 1:05
29.05.2019 in Видеоклип Farewell Blues | (Whiplash/La La Land)  
I found that the aspect ratio was broken but besides that this seems to be an outanding job.
29.05.2019 in Видеоклип This was Home | (12 Monkeys)  
Except for some shaking and flashing scenes, it was great combination with the music and the scene selection. great
29.05.2019 in Видеоклип Это всё (Ретроспектива) | (Solaris by A.Tarkovsky)  
this video has a good overal in general
14.05.2019 in Видеоклип Leap of Faith | (Spider-man: Into The Spider-verse)  
really enjoyable video.
14.05.2019 in Видеоклип Turn off after watching | (Mix)  
good but i liked the second half of the video more than the first half.
17.02.2019 in Видеоклип M.A.R.V. | (Sin City (2005), Sin City A Dame To Kill For (2014))  
Please come back,
18.06.2016 in Видеоклип INJUSTICE 2 - Promo teaser | (Injustice 2 Trailers)  
i hope that the game will be better than the previos one
12.05.2016 in Видеоклип Assessin's Creed - For Liberty | (Assassin's Creed Unity, Assessin's Creed Syndicate)  
cool bastante bien pendejo, el video tiene buena atmósfera y las escena de accion esta geniales, quien sabe si esta vez ganas mejor juego o algo asi,
16.12.2015 in Видеоклип W.U.T | (Warframe)  
in the begining it was slow because of the music but later it was nice lol, good job
08.10.2015 in Видеоклип Endless Night | (Evil Dead 2)  
cool i really like this one, nice sync.
29.05.2015 in Видеоклип Apocalyptus | (Mix Game's)  
Buen video pendejo, este es uno de los pocos GMV me ha gustado y como dijo SWS la accion es muy dinamica, sigue asi bro
15.05.2015 in Видеоклип Games of Q-Mind | (Ку! Кин-дза-дза (2013))  
this is the best part 1:46 - 1:48
05.05.2015 in Видеоклип COVEN | (Various)  
coool, I totally liked it, good luck in the contest
05.05.2015 in Видеоклип CollapsE | (Wwe)  
nice job, thats something good for every WWR Fan like me
25.04.2015 in Видеоклип Broken Inside | (Rurouni Kenshin  
Go puto, se puede ver que mejoraste algunas cosas pero sigues siendo Ikuro jajajaajaja, buena suerte pendejo xd y espero que consigas algo en accion lol.
23.04.2015 in Видеоклип Жертва | (Собственные съемки)  
not bad but the best thing about that video was the girl xd
09.04.2015 in Видеоклип Amazing | (Mix)  
Yo or ciao

Well that one was really good i really like that sync, quality of some parts and that scenes selection was outstanding. However those action part made me loose the feeling of the video a bit, but i think you used them because you do not want to do a monotonous video, in general good job
28.03.2015 in Видеоклип Possession | (Mix)  
Editting pretty good, good idea I really liked this video but I saw a lot of things that I did not like such as, loosing sync,random parts, some rough camera movement and the color, those green scenes in the beggining were not the best escens for this video, in general pretty good I liked it, keep it up man
17.03.2015 in Видеоклип Rage Within | (Wanted (Movie))  
Go Castro, Bueno la verdad ese video quedo genial, las partes de accion estan otro nivel y esas transiciones las veo bien fluidas y lo mejor de todo el video siempre mantuvo la sincro, en general es un buen video Castro, good in luck in the contest
16.03.2015 in Видеоклип Mater says ole | (Mater's Tall Tales - El Materdor)  
good jos, this is one of the few videos that made laugh XD
16.03.2015 in Видеоклип Summer Horror | (V/H/S/2)  
cool, that was a good idea, the video has good quality but that typography at the end ruined everything
10.04.2014 in Видеоклип ANGELIKA - Egyptian Love | (Clip)  
in the beggining it was very bad and bored at the same time but later you fix it. However it has the same scenes from the beggining to the end, in general not bad. I liked it specially for that beatiful woman
25.03.2014 in Видеоклип Selene (luna del destino) | (Destino)  
Good job princess , by the way now I know what you mean with an old video
21.03.2014 in Видеоклип Rock 'N' Roll Star | (House Md)  
Yo Domius, this is funny it works good in fun/comedy good job

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