Samuel Admin
Комментов: 384 Страна: Россия
05.08.2019 в 21:21
FreeCon 2019
We invite all clipmakers to take part in our new video-clip competition on
Any self-made video clip based on films, games, sports etc., can be submitted to the contest (only anime are restricted).
No restrictions on music styles and genres of video. No registration needed.
1) Workshop times: 1 August – 10 October 2019
2) Submit deadlines: 15 August – 10 October 2019
1) The video has to be uploaded to the server according to the deadlines.
2) The image (200x120), which shown on video page has to contain FreeCon 2019 in it.
3) You have to mention in video the following data: contest title FreeCon 2019 and site URL
4) The video clip cannot be less than 1 minute (not including the titles time).
5) Each participant is allowed to submit one video only. If desired, the clip can be put up for the competition anonymously (with new account) - with notification to moderators and deanonymization after the contest.
6) Multi-editor projects (MEP) are also accepted, including when one or more participants submitted their individual works.
Exclusive video rules:
1) We accept exclusive videos only, the ones which were not shown online before the contest.
2) It's forbidden to publish your video on other resources (including YouTube, Vimeo etc.) before premier at FreeCon 2019. In case your video found on other site it'll be published as ordinary non-contest video.
3) After publication at the FreeCon 2019, the video can be uploaded to other video hosting sites, but with the link to contest page at
4) If you want to provide the link to your video at YouTube when filling in the submission form, you can upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video (means that only people who know the link to the video can view it) and make it public after the contest premier.
5) If a link to Youtube and Vimeo is provided, the broadcast of the contest video will be conducted directly from your channel.
Uploading process:
1) Create an account, if you haven’t one.
2) Login in.
3) Fill the uploading form (also choose the title of contest "FreeCon 2019" at the contest field).
4) Once you have submitted your video through the form, only you and moderators will be able to see it. If your video successfully passes the check up, it will be located in the contests page and announced on the main page. The announcement of the new video might be delayed to give the every video enough time to be discussed. If the video does not pass the check up or the moderators have any observations, you will see the message at your contest entry page. Authors are given three days after the deadline to correct technical errors. If after this period the final version of the clip (with completely corrected errors) was not uploaded to the site, the clip will be withdrawn from the competition.
Videos that are NOT allowed to participate:
1) That were publicly demonstrated (YouTube or other resources).
2) That are made on Anime (for those there is a separate AMVnews and Akross contests)
3) That contain technical errors: see the FAQ.
4) That are violating the laws.
Recommended codecs:
• Video: H264
• Audio: AAC, MP3
It's recommended to use AMVSimpleGUI, 1ncoder or MeGUI for encoding. Look the following article for details: AMVSimpleGUI 4.0
1) The contest video, that will collect the highest amount of points by jury, will be considered as a winner. There are three winners in the general nomination. The additional nominations are represented as well in case there will be more than 35 videos overall.
2) Best videos will be decided by voting which will take place on the CreaSpace through special on-line form after last contest video demonstration. Contestants and jury (from active commentators and known clip-makers) has the ability to vote. There will be two tours of voting. In first tour finalists will be chosen. In second tour winners will be distributed along the places.
3) The voting of the jury and the contestants will be disclosed after the publication of the final results.
Registration for judging: in special topic soon[/url]
Best video overall:
1 place – 15000 rubles (~230$) + statuette
2 place – 10000 rubles (~155$) + statuette
3 place – 5000 rubles (~75$) + statuette
Best debut (first videoclip on CreaSpace):
1 place – 5000 rubles (~75$)
Additional nominations:
1) Best design of visual effects
2) Most original video
3) Best technical
4) Best titles
5) Best Action
6) Best Character Profile
7) Best Comedy/Fun
8) Best Dance
9) Best Drama
10) Best Horror
11) Best Romance / Sentimental
12) Best Trailer
13) Best Psychedelic
14) Best Story
15) Best Use Of Multiple Sources
16) Best self-made video
17) Best GMV
Winners of some previous contests:
CreaCon 2008: Toster - Doom In Da Mist
CreaCon 2009: Trampler - Dead As History
CreaCon 2010: Safira - New Divide
CreaCon 2011: Samuel - Burning Shadow
CreaCon 2012: Norlack - Doomsday: Lost Home
CreaCon 2013: -Faith- - Falling Earth
CreaCon 2014: Benjamin - Secrets
CreaCon 2015: Benjamin - Beyond Us
CreaCon 2016: UFец - Desert Storm
CreaCon 2017: UFец - Tropic Heat
CreaCon 2018: Samuel - Clones
CreaCon 2019: Илья Чижов - Natural Shot
Rules can be changed during contest in case of unexpected circumstances.
Contest banners:
Horizontal (468x60, 500x100) and vertical (160x200) banners are needed
Trailers (promo):