
Congratulations to all our visitors with the New 2025 Year!
May the coming year bring even more creativity and inspiration to authors, and new unforgettable impressions to viewers!
And regardless of whether you are familiar with the video editing - we wish you good luck, happiness and all the best!
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Second tour voting of CreaCon 2024 contest has started. There are 19(+1) participants and 5 jury members who has access to voting tables. 25 members in total.
Voting is mandatory for finalists! Contestants must vote at least in the categories where their video is present. If the vote will be absent we will fine maximum number of points in this category from the contestant which didn't vote.
Voting will end on Monday, December 30 at 20:00 Moscow time. |

Site CreaSpace.ru invites everyone to take part in the main annual video contest - "CreaCon". Any amateur video can take part in the competition, which made for movies, games, sports records, home videos, your own 3D, etc. (the only restriction on anime), and which wasn't premiered online. There is no limitation on theme or genre of the video. No registration needed.
1) Workshop time till 1 December of 2024.
2) Submission deadlines: 1 October - 1 December 2024. | Prizes:
Best video overall:
1 place - 5000 rubles (~50$) + statuette
2 place - 3000 rubles (~30$) + statuette
3 place - 2000 rubles (~20$) + statuette
Best debut: 1 place - 2000 rubles (~20$) (your first video in the competition) |
Detailed rules of CreaCon 2024 |
Стартовало голосование 2 тура конкурса CreaCon 2021. В этом году к голосованию имеют доступ все участники конкурса и 2 членов жюри. Всего 21 человек. Голосование для финалистов обязательное! Участники конкурса должны проголосовать в номинациях, где присутствуют их клипы. Если голос будет отсутствовать на участника будет наложен штраф, равный максимальному числу очков в данной номинации. Голосование завершится 4 ноября в четверг в 19-00 по МСК. |
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First tour voting of CreaCon 2021 contest has started. There are 20 participants and 2 jury members who has access to voting tables.
The vote in the first round is completely voluntary and it will end on Friday, October 29 at 20:00 Moscow time.
P. S. You still can join the jury in the special topic. |
Приглашаем всех желающих добавляться в публичный канал в Discord |
Site CreaSpace.ru invites everyone to take part in the main annual video contest - "CreaCon". Any amateur video can take part in the competition, which made for movies, games, sports records, home videos, your own 3D, etc. (the only restriction on anime), and which wasn't premiered online. There is no limitation on theme or genre of the video. No registration needed.
1) Workshop time till 30 September of 2021.
2) Submission deadlines: 1 - 30 September 2021. | Prizes:
Best video overall:
1 place - 4000 rubles (~55$)
2 place - 3000 rubles (~40$)
3 place - 2000 rubles (~25$)
Best debut: 1 place - 2000 rubles (~25$) |
Detailed rules of CreaCon 2021 |
Результаты голосования участников и судей FocusCon 2020 |
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Voting at FocusCon 2020 contest has been started. Access to voting table have all contestants and 15 members of the jury. 28 people at total.
Contestants must vote at least in the categories where their video is present. If the vote will be absent we will fine maximum number of points in this category from the contestant which didn't vote.
Voting tables will be available until 14 January (Thursday) 20-00 Moscow time. |
Для дачи хозблок туалет душ. Хозблоки
плинтус с светодиодной подсветкой. Супер цены
Продажа водомерных узлов в Москве. Дешево! Звоните
