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In Time

In Time
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18 оценок
Видеоряд:Various Clip And Documentary (+25), Home + My Own Source.
Музыка:Traxx Project (First Song) - Darkeldion (Second Song) - Time Vs Gravity In Progress
Жанры:Авторское видео / Экшн / Dubstep Liquid
Параметры видео:1280x720 H264 (6442 kbps)
Параметры аудио:AAC
Комментов:11  [ месяц: 11 ]
Просмотров он-лайн:583
I mix Documentary Source/video music and my own source that i take in a lot of place in the world. 60/40
For my rush, i take it during more that one year when i travel in the world.
So i am very happy to finish this vidéo after this very long time (i am just very disapointed for my place at the Real Contest T-T after this work, i am just demotivated.

I hope that you like as i like my video.

Music : Traxx Project - Time VS Darkeldion - Gravity in Progress

Thanks for watching and sorry for my bad english.
PS : the quality is medium, but i haven't the money actually to buy a better camera ><
Источник превью: [CreaSpace] [YouTube]

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Professional - 06.11.2013 в 15:28  
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Мне понравилось. Смотрится на одном дыхании.
darkeldion - 04.11.2013 в 11:19  
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Thanks everybody For watching and for your message ! Now, i'm very motivatedto continuate and, yes, i hope to join Creacon 2014. I hope finish at the time, but i want ! Thank you
Norlack - 03.11.2013 в 19:55  
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Wow, one of the best timelapse video ever I seen. Especially if you used parts of your own shooting. This movie remind me the Artofeel's work. NJ.
Аrcher - 03.11.2013 в 18:37  
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очень круто, зависаю уже второй день, правда хотелось бы масочки поаккуратнее)
Benjamin - 02.11.2013 в 22:34  
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Join CreaCon 2014 man! U make an unteresting and dynamic work! Hope seen from you more on winter contest)
Turbo - 30.10.2013 в 14:11  
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I like the video. It has it's own style. Pretty original and dynamic. And I like the used music. Would like to know which video parts were made by author. )
Vek - 30.10.2013 в 09:37  
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These terrible holes instead of eyes... o_O
darkeldion - 30.10.2013 в 00:41  
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Написал Turbo 30.10.2013 at 00:26

There was a problem with video. It wasn't fully uploaded. I renew it with version from MEGA. Now everything is fine.

Oh Thank you very much !

Sorry for this problem ><
Turbo - 30.10.2013 в 00:26  
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There was a problem with video. It wasn't fully uploaded. I renew it with version from MEGA. Now everything is fine.
darkeldion - 29.10.2013 в 19:28  
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If you look with the view on-line, you can see the Youtube link too (the duration is 1min52)
696olesya - 29.10.2013 в 19:07  
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Либо я что то не понимаю, либо здесь клип не до конца загружен
