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Soul Corp

Soul Corp
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19 оценок
Музыка:Black Math - Marching With Giants
Жанры:Драма / Экшн / История / Профиль персонажа / Rock, Indie, Alternative
Соревнование: CreaCon 2021
Параметры видео:1920x804 H264 (9704 kbps)
Параметры аудио:AAC
Комментов:20  [ месяц: 1 ]
Просмотров он-лайн:6

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We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Soul Corp is an idea truly long in the conceiving, as I've been drawn to such a concept ever since realizing the surprising versatility of Korean actors can display in their craft. It is also my first time properly finishing a project of this size with this many movies, all engaged in an original story.

Simply put, this project follows the story of two secret agents that get trapped in a hunting game for powerful artifacts known as Pieces of Eden in order to subdue, control and damage the world, as it is in the case. The two are kidnapped and tasked to connect to the timeline of their ancestors who lived in the 19th Century during the latest part of the Joseon Dynasty and relive each memory in order to find the location of one of the Pieces of Eden - The Apple. Finding The Apple will in turn enable an evil organization known throughout history as the Templars to bring unspeakable natural disasters upon the world, that they will then make use of as a way to rise to power.

Thus, as forces soon start rummaging below the surface of the Korean Peninsula and Mount Baekdu erupts and triggers a chain of earthquakes, our two heroes must break free from their futuristic prison and find a way to stop the use of the Apple which caused the entire catastrophe. This project will be following this journey of theirs, with the aid of a mysterious villain turned hero who joins arms in order to put an end to the Templar Leader's tyrannical plan.

Being familiar with the Assassin's Creed series might've already indicated you that this plot and its points of interest emulate a story from this famous series, which is what I attempted to capture here with a Korean flavour, in an endless wait for a Korean Assassin's Creed . Whether you're a fan or not, I still warmly invite all of you to let yourself be absorbed by this story, as our heroes will try to make their way out of a truly soul-stealing Corporation.

Sources full list:
Apple of Eden - Assassin's Creed Fan Film (2019), The 8th Night (2021), Ashfall (2019), The Berlin File (2013), Assassin's Creed (2016), Assassin's Creed 3 Intro (2012), Vagabond (2019), Lucid Dream (2017), The Closet (2020), Lucy (2014), Kundo: Age of the Rampant (2014), Master (2016), Asura: City of Madness (2016), Kingdom: Ashin of the North (2021), The Man Standing Next (2020), Golden Slumber (2018)

Intro music: Jed Kurzel - The Assassinations

Источник превью: [CreaSpace] [YouTube]

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Filin - 24.10.2024 в 19:21  
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Хоть и не фанат такого , местами слабовато, но за крутую задумку со стараниями поставлю 4
Anejo - 04.01.2023 в 06:43  
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Написал Leberate 09.10.2021 at 11:31

Минус лично для меня уж слишком много лиц.

И они по большей части азиатские))
А что, неплохо, хотя я не жалую корейцев, но тут сделала над собой усилие. Бывает аткое, что как стороннему наблюдателю мало что понятно, но этим именно и привлекает работа. Причина туманна, видимо автор юзает правильный "патронус".
sLove Key5 - 21.12.2021 в 05:32  
1 | 0
A Great apple of discord came out! Thank you!
MrAuditore96 - 29.10.2021 в 02:24  
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Написал MrAuditore96 10.10.2021 at 21:42

Написал Leberate 10.10.2021 at 21:42

Ничего не понял, но ОЧЕНЬ интересно. История, ну примерно понятна(наверное). Минус лично для меня уж слишком много лиц. Титры классные. Не буду жадничать и просто поставлю 5.

Hey, I feared that would happen, but much appreciated! It was tough to remove characters from this, each one played their role.

I have also added a video showcasing my efforts to make everything blend in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK3zygO9pY8 if it helps clear out the attempt further.
MrAuditore96 - 29.10.2021 в 02:23  
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Написал FobosAMV 27.10.2021 at 11:34

Not my favorite from you but it's definitely a solid work, good job!

Thanks a lot !
MrAuditore96 - 29.10.2021 в 02:23  
1 | 0
Написал Turbo 18.10.2021 at 00:06

Титры офигенные, но сам клип не зацепил к сожалению. История слишком замороченная. Титры вначале немного вносят ясности, но не до конца. Мне показалось безумное число действующих персонажей и нет явного центрального.

Thanks a lot for the input, I too think it is a bit too much to take in, but I hope that in repeated viewings and in an attempt to see the parallels between faces, the story will be able to be extracted more easily. I have also posted a video comparison of my efforts to make this all look like one universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK3zygO9pY8
FobosAMV - 27.10.2021 в 11:34  
1 | 0
Not my favorite from you but it's definitely a solid work, good job!
Turbo - 18.10.2021 в 00:06  
2 | 0
Титры офигенные, но сам клип не зацепил к сожалению. История слишком замороченная. Титры вначале немного вносят ясности, но не до конца. Мне показалось безумное число действующих персонажей и нет явного центрального.
MrAuditore96 - 12.10.2021 в 14:57  
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Написал okhostok 11.10.2021 at 14:56

I know, everyone has said that, but I also had trouble understanding the story (even with description), as it is *a bit* complex, but I appreciated the idea of the parallelism of the same actors and your dedication to create some alternative story from different sources in FMV (I think it is nearly impossible to do this with FMV). Also, credits in the end are very nice. GJ

Hah, thanks a lot my man, it is indeed quite tough to get I assume, especially for someone unfamiliar with these Asian faces; thanks for the appreciation though, and I hope there's gonna be a Category rating this year so I can enlist my end credits in there
okhostok - 11.10.2021 в 14:56  
1 | 0
I know, everyone has said that, but I also had trouble understanding the story (even with description), as it is *a bit* complex, but I appreciated the idea of the parallelism of the same actors and your dedication to create some alternative story from different sources in FMV (I think it is nearly impossible to do this with FMV). Also, credits in the end are very nice. GJ
MrAuditore96 - 11.10.2021 в 00:42  
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Написал VIDOK 11.10.2021 at 00:22

Написал MrAuditore96 11.10.2021 at 00:22

A con especially for Asian Drama edits


aaaah, that would be dope hahah
VIDOK - 11.10.2021 в 00:22  
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Написал MrAuditore96 10.10.2021 at 21:43

A con especially for Asian Drama edits

MrAuditore96 - 10.10.2021 в 21:43  
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Написал Kenjii 09.10.2021 at 18:28

Good work

Thank you mano 🤘
MrAuditore96 - 10.10.2021 в 21:43  
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Написал VIDOK 10.10.2021 at 12:39

Комплексная работа. Автор прогрессирует, что радует.

Надеюсь, что DramaCon никогда не будет, иначе победитель слишком очевиден.

Yooo, thanks a lot What do you mean by DramaCon though? A con especially for Asian Drama edits? Or something just for stories like this or what? Either way, if you claimed I had chances of winning, then I feel very flattered hearing that, thank you!
MrAuditore96 - 10.10.2021 в 21:42  
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Написал Leberate 09.10.2021 at 11:31

Ничего не понял, но ОЧЕНЬ интересно. История, ну примерно понятна(наверное). Минус лично для меня уж слишком много лиц. Титры классные. Не буду жадничать и просто поставлю 5.

Hey, I feared that would happen, but much appreciated! It was tough to remove characters from this, each one played their role.
MrAuditore96 - 10.10.2021 в 21:36  
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Написал Илья Чижов 09.10.2021 at 11:51

It is a big job, my friend! See a great progress in every your next fmv. I even got some inspiration to make creacon ending clip while watching this video. Very good. 5.

Damnn, honoured to have been responsible for such a feat! Looking forward to it! And thanks for encouraging me on my journey as always through your feedback!
VIDOK - 10.10.2021 в 12:39  
1 | 0
Комплексная работа. Автор прогрессирует, что радует.

Надеюсь, что DramaCon никогда не будет, иначе победитель слишком очевиден.
Kenjii - 09.10.2021 в 18:28  
1 | 0
Good work
Илья Чижов - 09.10.2021 в 11:51  
4 | 0
It is a big job, my friend! See a great progress in every your next fmv. I even got some inspiration to make creacon ending clip while watching this video. Very good. 5.
Leberate - 09.10.2021 в 11:31  
3 | 0
Ничего не понял, но ОЧЕНЬ интересно. История, ну примерно понятна(наверное). Минус лично для меня уж слишком много лиц. Титры классные. Не буду жадничать и просто поставлю 5.
