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Best videos by rating (2019 year)

Pages: 1 2 3

Place Title Author Rating Number of votes
31 AGGRESSIVE DUBSTEP MOVIE 2019 five726 4.2 10
32 Someday Proxy 4.2 10
33 Just Mars Uk@R 4.17 18
34 Мгла — неОфициальный трейлер (2007) Владыка 4.17 15
35 Marvel Studios' Ӏ Infinity Saga Mark&Trailer 4.17 12
36 SECONDARY Leberate 4.14 29
37 Bloodshot Freeman-47 4.13 28
38 Radiation (Interstellar Contact X-Over) SandY 4.12 25
39 Turn off after watching Apologet 4.11 23
40 99 Problems [Marvel Universe] Katrin G. 4.08 26
41 Will you seriy 4.05 22
42 This was Home AmyLee 4.03 18
43 Мстители Финал (Fan Tribute) Владыка 4 26
44 Rebuild of Official Music Videos De29v101L 4 17
45 Tony Stark - In The End Artem32 4 13
46 Survival League itsElixir 4 8
47 Большие планы - Паразиты Demetra 3.95 21
48 CINEMA 2019 Artem32 3.95 10
49 He And His Supergirl (Alternative View) SandY 3.94 9
50 Powerfull Zaxyss 3.92 6
51 Noble Blood Frilen 3.91 17
52 Leap of Faith HungryBobo 3.91 22
53 Dark House CacoVenom 3.89 19
54 AРЕХ Shel 3.89 9
55 Massive Attack Shel 3.89 9
56 Power In My Arms (Doctor Strange Tribute) SandY 3.85 10
57 The Manchurian Candidate MrAuditore96 3.83 18
58 Overwatch Bodies Shel 3.81 8
59 Чернобыль//Chernobyl Artem32 3.8 10
60 Video tribute to Takashi Ishii Proxy 3.79 12
Videos in rating: 85
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