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Dark House

Dark House
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19 votes
Video source:Insidious
Music:Henry Jackman - Big Daddy Kills
Genres:Psychedelic / Horror / Character Profile / Story
Contest: CreaCon 2019
Video parameters:1920x800 H264 (2814 kbps)
Audio parameters:AAC
Comments:7  [ month: 1 ]
on-line views:108
Date added:20.03.2019

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Yo guy, it’s been a long time since my last video I think around 5 years but I am here once again with an old video. I tried to do this video back in 2016 for Team Battle but I didn’t have enough time and my team was soooooooooo lazy that they didn’t even started. I really enjoyed working on this video, I will probably try to do my next video in less than 5 years, enjoy it.

Sources used

Insidious Chapter 2
The Woman in Black
The Woman in Black 2
The Conjuring
The Unborn
The Haunting Of Hill House
Dream House
The Amityville Horror
The Farm

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CacoVenom - 06.07.2019 в 05:07  
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Написал t0m1k 05.06.2019 at 17:14

Well, that was just ok. Not bad idea to concentrate many different ghosts and paranormal creatures in one place (house in this case), but not the best realization. Smoke effect was a bit boring in some places, color correction wasn't balanced enough, frames order were not accurate in some scenes. Still, good job and good luck !
thanks for your advice, I will keep that in mind next time.
t0m1k - 05.06.2019 в 17:14  
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Well, that was just ok. Not bad idea to concentrate many different ghosts and paranormal creatures in one place (house in this case), but not the best realization. Smoke effect was a bit boring in some places, color correction wasn't balanced enough, frames order were not accurate in some scenes. Still, good job and good luck !
Anejo - 22.04.2019 в 03:25  
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Как-то слишком банально и прямолинейно дял меня. Ни тебе укуренной ухмылочки авторской, ни каких-то отвлеченных вставочек, цементирующих работу. Просто немного хоррора, чуть мяса.
С точки зрения простой техники прикопаться сложно. Вроде и композиция, и синхронизация (правда, при не слишком трудозатратном треке), и монтаж и развитие на уровне. И сведено все достаточно грамотно, учитывая количество исходников.
Но от старичка ожидала немного бОльшего.
Cloud - 28.03.2019 в 12:02  
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Hey, eto tol'ko u menya video shakal'noe? Po klipu skazhy, chto norm, no nichego ceplyaushego, kak po mne. 4
SandY - 24.03.2019 в 11:24  
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Good start of the contest! but something similar has already been on the site...
Илья Чижов - 23.03.2019 в 15:09  
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Nice sketch with a lot of hardcore modern horror scenes. It is hard to see such video but emotions are exactly as author tried to give us, i think so. Goo job and congrats with contest opening!
Неsoundтрек - 22.03.2019 в 22:08  
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Всем привет! Поздравляю с началом, с почином! Ну что ж- поехали. И буду краток. Хорошую оценку поставил, исключительно, за монтаж- добротный, интересный. Не понравился, так сказать, ГГ. Такие ужасы вокруг него происходят, что в пору умом тронуться, а он, по ходу дела, был не много озадачен и удивлен. В целом работа ровная, но без изысков, в первую очередь, сценарных. Если так можно выразиться.
