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15 votes
Video source:Sonic The Hedgehog Game Series
Music:Rise Against - Satellite
Genres:Action / Game / Story / Punk-Rock
Video parameters:1280x720 H264 (5745 kbps)
Audio parameters:AAC
Comments:5  [ month: 1 ]
on-line views:80
Date added:13.06.2018

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Sonic games have been my favorite to play when I was a kid. Although I don't personally prefer the recent games anymore I still have a soft spot for it. It's been a few years since I last made a Sonic video (because of making more AMVs) and I wanted to make one more for a while. Strangely enough, I never made a video that only used game clips until this one. It was hard thinking of what clips to use until I decided on how the video goes: I wanted to show the classic Sonic vs. Dr. Eggman/Robotnik scenario. The Doctor has a plan to conquer the world, and Sonic tries to stop him. Overall, I'm happy I was able to make this video the way I imagined despite a few parts that may have been better. I hope you'll enjoy!
Preview source: [CreaSpace] [YouTube]

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Илья Чижов - 24.06.2018 в 15:34  
1 | 0
Good job, but 2min is enough. Looks a little boring in final chapter.
t0m1k - 14.06.2018 в 18:55  
1 | 0
That was good )
Well combined audio and video sources, enjoyable transitions in some places. But I wanted to see more intraframe synchronization in choruses.
Freeman-47 - 13.06.2018 в 15:59  
1 | 0
Это 5. Отличный клип, приятно удивил. Только к финалу немного заскучал.
Anejo - 13.06.2018 в 10:20  
1 | 0
Написал SandY 13.06.2018 at 08:13

The very nice job!

Мне тоже понравилось.
Разве что под конец от немного однообразной дуэли Йожика со злым гением немного устаёшь. Понтенциала трека бы хватило и на его друзей и на немного антипафосной иронии.
Кстати, я смотрела только мультик, и там злой гений не такой уж амбициозно-злой. Видеоряд удивил новой стороной исходника)
SandY - 13.06.2018 в 08:13  
1 | 0
The very nice job!
