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Pictures To Runway (A Opening)

Pictures To Runway (A Opening)
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3 оценки
Видеоряд:Bold And The Beautiful, Cbs Saturday Night Movies Intro Late 1970s
Музыка:Dionne Warwick(Original/Оригінал), Jack Allocco(Alterations/варіант), David Kurtz (Alterations/варіант) - High Upon This Love (Bold And The Beautiful Song)
Жанры:Трейлер / Психоделика / ТВ Сериал / Synthwave
Соревнование: CreaCon 2024
Параметры видео:1280x720 H264 (8511 kbps)
Параметры аудио:AAC
Комментов:3  [ месяц: 3 ]

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I use movavi 2017 Edition (it is not name that but it is that edition) this actually began as a rush product because after the whole 22 hour straight edit from back at France/Slava combo con (along with everything else preparing it) I was overdone,granted in the end I end up using the extra time to try to improve my credits. there's no way I was gonna skip this one after telling myself for over two years if this ever came back I am going to definitely enter it. granted that Ben 10 uninstall was actually saved for this one but I really thought this concert was never coming back causing the rushed publication that happened. Writing this up now I do not think it went the way I thought it would (I thought it was finished when I was doing the credits but then I found out last minute I misstimed where the ending was supposed to go slightly short. (too technical a story but skipping the play-by-play I store the final step somewhere else because it had a song clip I did not want to be not timed correctly) and when you time one thing off you miss time another thing but I think this video might have a chance.

I decide to do bold and the beautiful redo of the opening for various reasons. they have been arguments over the years about which opening is best and should they have change it should they not have. I am just going to say they could of kept both. I am not even a fan of the show (I am kinda neutral) but I just love these opening credits,it reminds me when I first tried to use Adobe and trying to make this look stylistic when my videos in my photographs were different sizes. (basically the way Adobe automatically looks for a newcomer on first try and considering this video first idea was from 1987,maybe that is what it was) I could go all day but basically they were three versions one 45 seconds that was done in 2 hours to prove the point that you could fit both of them another version with a lot of extensions for the song that was about 58 seconds and the Final versions which was 1 minute. I am going to say that the 58 second one was a shock because I thought it was 1 minute and it messed everything up to the point (that was actually supposed to be a final draft after all) that we had to redo the beginning from the zoom camera through to the set to add a backstage fashion show. originally they was not a single thing from the fashion shoot opening that you see in the beginning but I was starting to lose enough footage by that point so I used that one for a backstage feel. (according to the article the fashion show opening was supposed to make you feel that you are backstage inside the workings and I incorporated the original vision along with the photo shoot in my making of the combined opening) this video was never supposed to really be its own outstanding idea but more a what could have been if they combined it 2 ideas together. granted at some point it turned into the shadowy/hidden faces of industry from concept to runway. this thing kind of exceeded what it was originally supposed to be. (originally the photo shoot photos were only supposed to be the 'stock ones' and the long-term ones) everything might not have gone perfect but like I said I feel like this video got a chance.

this time I try to make decent credits since because this was (before I found out I messed up the timing another time) was such a basic video I was in publishing day of deadline usually after my regular bedtime.(sometimes by 5 or 6 hours, though usually 2 to 3, not really to complain but more to explain why are you lots of stuff gets by me) I really wanted a toolbox with the film coming out but I am limited since I have a lot of time like I said I plan to make these credits better and less powerpointy but I started noticing by the second half they were just looking not even understandable.

hey are 4.3 because to put simply they came from a sources between the 80s and 90s. (The ending credits were either very late 70s (like 79) to 80s in terms of a film date. it would have to take a very special video for me to go through them out of trouble that this opening did meaning future entries will likely go back to the PowerPoint style. these credits likely took longer than the video. for the ending credits the credit there were inspired by the few credits that were oceanside from the actual show so I chose that theme that people enjoyed so I chose that theme. Anyway I hope you enjoy this video.

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Darksss 73. - 17.10.2024 в 21:48  
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У.у.у.у.ха,ха,ха, у,у,ха,х.
Просто слов нет
Одни эмоции
Спасибо . Рассмешил
Leberate - 17.10.2024 в 21:32  
0 | 0
Классный клип, у меня бы заболели глаза, если б они не заболели еще при просмотре вашей заставки(тот случай когда можно сказать - раньше было лучше(с)). Описание не читал, не думаю что там есть что либо что может изменить мое понимание клипа в целом. Я прошу прощения, но меня интересует один вопрос, для чего вы это делаете? Ведь этот клип не для многочисленных пересмотров чтоб получить удовольствие от увиденного, он не несет в себе ничего такого, ни в музыке, не в видеоряде и тем более не в их сочетании, тут нет какой либо идеи, или я ослеп еще до начала клипа увидев громадное описание, это просто супер быстрое слайд шоу сомнительного качества, так для чего оно сделано? Даже если что-то тут есть, я этого не вижу, вы могли потратить больше времени на создание чтоб донести свою идею нормально, ну и сделать так чтоб не калечить глаза зрителя. Желаю вам пересмотреть свой клип 5000 раз подряд не моргая. На самом деле это позитивный комментарий и я не в коем случае не желаю автору зла, желаю чтоб он радовал нас новыми клипами, но только такими которые можно смотреть, а иначе, ну просто идите на 3 буквы. Бобра вам побольше.
Turbo - 17.10.2024 в 21:18  
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Шедевр! Очень увлекательно и свежо.
